Did you know that a major risk factor for hair loss is smoking?  Bahman Quyuron, MD, chair, department of plastic surgery, University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland, Ohio was a leader of a study of hair loss in male and female identical twins.  The study was presented at the American Society of Plastic Surgeons' annual meeting in Denver.

     The study found that smoking was a major risk factor to prevent hair loss.  To prevent hair loss for men, it was suggested that they avoid smoking, reduce stress, reduce alcohol consumption and wear a hat as much as possible to protect hair from sun.  For women, controlling high blood pressure and drinking one to two cups of coffee a day helped prevent hair loss.

     If you are concerned about hair loss and are a smoker, you now have another great reason to quit smoking.  Check out my website at for tips on quitting smoking.  Remember hypnotherapy can be a great way to stop smoking permanently.